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2024-04-25 03:00:20

atyh on Nostr: I get the feeling that quite a few people still believe stating the DOJ and the U.S. ...

I get the feeling that quite a few people still believe stating the DOJ and the U.S. government as a government whole are an organized crime enterprise is somehow just hyperbolic and not a statement of fact.
maybe they can’t come to terms with the ramifications of that statement being true.
If you believe the elections are fraudulent, the financial system is a scam, and the government is occupied by criminals who have violated their oaths, and have committed major crimes against humanity, any serious person can find it hard to continue living life the way they did before they knew.
But it makes it no less true, and this time expects us to still choose joy and hope, and help each other in the face of this reality.
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